What I Do

  • Virtual Scribing - In Person

    As a graphic recorder all I simply plug into your meeting or event in person, working with your AV team, and I can visualise everything as it happens in exactly the same way as I would on a piece of paper.

  • Live Illustration - on paper

    I’m a cartoonist who brings big bits of paper and pens to meetings and events. These big boards are a presence at your meeting or event.

  • Onlooker at a trade show

    Memorable Trade Shows

    Trade shows are highly competitive spaces. When you've spent good money on a stand you want delegates to notice you, engage with you and most of all remember you when the event is over. You could simply hand out business cards, goodie bags and brochures like everyone else. Or you could pull in large, interested crowds of people thanks to my drawing, watching as I create entertaining, relevant images live and direct. It's fascinating seeing an artist at work, and it gives brands a genuine boost.

  • Business Model Canvas Rich Picture

    Complex ideas made simple with rich pictures

    Scribing is powerful stuff. It's all about creating a work of art live and in the moment. But a Rich Picture takes things a step further. The process involves taking time to carefully hand render themes, messages and complex ideas in a way that's both attractive and compelling. Built either from work drawn in a meeting or created from scratch, these drawings are used by my business clients to communicate strategies, events, new ideas, fresh developments, change management and more. They make great posters, postcards and web content too, carefully created to complement your business goals and direction

  • Sketch note of a Malcom Gladwell talk

    Graphic recording with exciting sketchnotes

    Sketchnotes are a cool thing to do, and all it takes is a sketchbook. It's a bit like Graphic Recording but done at A4 size, practical and flexible. It's a hugely versatile approach. It lets me create small-scale visuals at large events, and it's so much more powerful than taking boring, infinitely forgettable minutes or meeting notes. You get on with the business in hand, I represent exactly what's happening in sketch form, and everyone can see exactly what's happened afterwards, at a glance, in a format that's easy and pleasurable to digest in an instant.

  • Chris Shipton Drawing at a conference

    Making the most of conferences

    Conferences are the perfect setting for graphic recording thanks to large, lively audiences to engage with and plenty of material to represent visually. While you're presenting I'll be busy drawing, either on or off stage, as a very visible feature of the presentation or discreetly in the background – it's entirely up to you. The resulting drawings, like all of my work, can be used for all sorts of purposes as well as recording what's been said, done and agreed in a format that every delegate understands and enjoys.